Number Seven...the Fishing. Although kayaking is our mainstay we love to catch dinner. Salmon, halibut and crab are common. Rockfish, lingcod and prawns are also swimming in our waters. We have our Alaska Department Of Fish and Game Guide license so you can fish too!
Number 8....the Birds. OK, so we are not expert birders and we often rely on our guests to help with identification (with our books onboard). But, we know the common ones and we add a few each year to our knowledge base. Be prepared to test your birding skills!
Number 9...The Mountains. The peaks, the rocks, the cliffs, the glaciers, the views. Ever changing with the season, the daylight and the weather. The geology of Alaska is complex.
Number 10....the Water. Its gorgeous, its exciting, its surprising, its fun. The tides and currents makes our lives challenging. We wouldn't have it any other way.The scenary is amazing and the paddling opportunities are endless.