The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is in charge of regulating and enforcing compliance of the federal regulations pertaining to catching halibut. Why the feds? Because of an international treaty with Canada. The balance of the fishing that we do on Abyssinia is currently regulated by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). ADF&G issues us an annual Sport Fishing Guide and Business license in order to take you fishing. Every individual (including us) must have an individual fishing license in order to fish. On Abyssinia, we insist on strict compliance by all of our guests with all fish and game regulations. The regulations are very important in terms of conservation and fisheries management. We will have a copy of the regulations on board and encourage you to look at it and ask questions. We will help with interpretations.
Legal Stuff: If you catch a legal fish on board Abyssinia, it is your fish to do what you want with. You can release it, keep it, eat it, or take it home. It will be recorded in an ADF&G logbook as your fish. Under no circumstances will Kayak Transport Company buy, trade, or barter for your fish or assist you in doing so. If you choose to eat it on board Abyssinia, the cost of your trip remains the same as we have planned and purchased food to feed you without regard to your catch. In other words, we do not count on you catching fish in order to feed you.
Why all the fuss? Commercial and sport fishing is highly regulated in order to protect the fisheries from over fishing. Also, there have been some serious abuses of the regulation mentioned above. We were informed that sometimes even the perception of a wrong is enough for them to ask for a correction. Thank you NOAA and ADF&G for looking out for our natural resources.
Here's to good fishing and good eating!